


The Department and the Maine Municipal Bond Bank (Bond Bank) jointly administer the Clean Water State Revolving Fund. Maine’s federal capitalization grant for 2020 is $12,302,000 and the required 20% state match is $2,460,400. Of the capitalization grant amount, the CWSRF is required to distribute $1,230,200 in additional subsidy to loan recipients and at its option, can provide up to $4,920,800 in total additional subsidies. The Department solicited projects from municipalities and districts to be ranked for funding offers containing principal forgiveness and received funding requests for 37 projects from loan applicants. A final PPL is available on page 14 containing 19 projects. Projects in this IUP are for renovations and improvements to publicly owned treatment works and appurtenant facilities, and for non-point source pollution abatement practices. The projects will maintain or restore compliance in many facilities and improve or protect water quality in others


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