Technical guides

Navigate the Flood

The Navigate the Flood guide streamlines local decision-maker’s and city and utility staff’s navigation of the vast and complex array of technical guidance and funding resources for stormwater and flood planning and management. For local elected and appointed officials, the Guide offers a way to orient themselves to the fundamentals and language of stormwater and flood management via an overview of the key decision-making steps towards planning for and building sustainable, resilient, and equitable stormwater and flood management systems. For managers and staff, the Guide offers a way to drill down into these key planning and implementing steps and easily access a deep well of existing technical and financial resources that are available to support stormwater and flood planning and management.

The five steps to Navigate the Flood are:

  1. Define the Condition of Your Community’s System
  2. Identify Your Community’s Challenges
  3. Set Your Community’s Visions and Goals
  4. Choose Your Community’s Solutions
  5. Put Your Community’s Plan into Action

Click the link below to access to access the guide and navigate your way through each step or download the Navigator’s Checklist, a way for local leaders and managers to wade into each of these five steps by outlining key questions to consider and pose to technical staff along the way.

This Guide is a joint initiative between the Water Center at the University of Pennsylvania and WaterNow Alliance.


Tap into Resilience

A WaterNow Alliance Initiative

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