Compendium of Debt-Financing Options for Scaled Investments in Distributed Green Stormwater Infrastructure
A Quick Reference Guide for Green Bay, Sheboygan & Mid- Sized Wisconsin Cities
WaterNow Alliance, in partnership with the City of Sheboygan, the City of Green Bay, American Rivers, and Corona Environmental Consulting, has prepared this compendium of debt-financing and other alternative financing options as a quick reference guide to the options available to mid-sized Wisconsin cities to debt finance capital investments in distributed green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) on both public and private property. The compendium includes summaries of available financing options and high level legal and accounting analysis of Wisconsin state public finance laws governing capital investments to provide a basis for debt-financing investments in distributed GSI.3 The financing options detailed in the compendium are listed in the right. It also includes preliminary assessments of how Green Bay and Sheboygan (the Cities) could leverage these financing options scaling their distributed GSI programs.
Tailored to the City of Sheboygan, City of Green Bay, and other similar Wisconsin cities,’ the report is designed for local stormwater managers and decision makers exploring new or expanded distributed GSI programs and are interested in an introduction to potential financing options.
A WaterNow Alliance Initiative
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