The State of Kansas Intended Use Plan (IUP) for the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) is prepared in accordance with the provisions of Title VI of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act. This IUP describes the intended uses for all funds available in the Kansas CWSRF program for SFY 2021 and an overview of how the state will comply with federally mandated requirements. The FFY 2020 federal capitalization grant awarded June 26, 2020, is $14,344,000. In SFY 2021, Kansas expects to finance many wastewater collection and treatment projects and continue to pursue funding stormwater infrastructure and nonpoint source pollution control projects, while also meeting the federal requirements to provide 10% of FFY 2020 appropriation ($1,434,400) to GPR designs and provide the required additional subsidization. Kansas has developed short‐term and long‐term goals for the KWPCRF program. The status of these goals will be discussed in the annual report, for example, “Fund green infrastructure, water and energy efficiency and environmentally innovative projects”. The Kansas Project Priority Ranking System is found in Appendix E. The Priority Ranking System has not been updated since the 2019 Intended Use Plan.
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