New Mexico CWSRF IUP
The Fund is administered by the New Mexico Environment Department Construction Programs Bureau (NMED CPB) as agent for the Water Quality Control Commission (WQCC). State money is appropriated to NMED CPB to carry out the provisions of the Loan Act and is used to match Federal funds allocated to New Mexico pursuant to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, also known as the Clean Water Act (CWA). During the 2020 Legislative Session held January 21, 2020 through February 20, 2020 the New Mexico Legislature appropriated $1,800,000 from the Public Projects Revolving Fund (PPRF) for state match funds for the FFY 2020 Allotment. This amount exceeds the required state match of $1,556,000. As of June 30, 2019, the audited current valuation (Total Net Position) of the CWSRF fund) was $332,360,451 allowing for $664,721 to be used for administration of the program in SFY21. Goals include to maintain the fiscal integrity of the CWSRF, and make funding available to potential borrowers who meet the criteria of one of the twelve CWSRF eligibilities found in Section 603(c) of the CWA as amended and as it applies to New Mexico.
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