
EPA Community Change GrantsGrant

Max. Grant Award: $20 million for community-driven investments; $3 million for engagement of disadvantaged communities

Project Type: Planning; Construction

EPA’s Environmental and Climate Justice Community Change Grants program anticipates awarding $2 billion nationally to benefit disadvantaged communities through projects to reduce pollution, increase community climate resilience, and build community response capacity. The Community Change Grants will support comprehensive community and place-based approaches to redressing environmental and climate injustices for communities facing legacy pollution, climate change, and persistent disinvestment.

Click through the sections below to learn more about this funding opportunity.

Grant Priorities

Grant Priorities include:

Track 1: Community-driven investments for Change

  • Climate resiliency and adaptation
  • Mitigating climate and health risks from urban heat islands, extreme heat, wood heater emissions, and wildfire events
  • Community-led air and other pollution monitoring, prevention, and remediation
  • Investments in low- and zero-emission and resilient technologies and related infrastructure
  • Workforce development that supports the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and other air pollutants
  • Reducing indoor toxics and indoor air pollution

Track 2: Facilitating engagement of disadvantaged communities in public processes

  • Support for state and federal advisory groups for environmental and climate justice
  • Participation in workshops
  • Engagement in environmental and related rulemakings
  • Engagement in other public processes

Click on the next section to learn more about this funding opportunity’s eligibility requirements.

Eligibility Requirements

Applications must meet all eligibility criteria, as outlined in Section III of the NOFO.

Applications for both tracks must include:

  • Application for Federal Assistance (SF-424)
  • Budget Information for Non-Construction Programs (SF-424A)
  • EPA Key Contacts Forms 5700-54
  • EPA Preaward Compliance Review Report Form 4700-4 (Useful tips)
  • Project Narrative Attachment Form
  • Attachments using the “Other Attachments Form” in Grants.gov including Program Budget Template, Partnership Agreement, and Indirect Cost Rate Agreement
  • Compliance Plan – describes how applicants will ensure compliance with the grant’s terms and conditions and manage broader legal and compliance risks.

Additional Track 1 Requirements:

  • Climate Action Strategy – applications must include at least one project aligned with at least one of EPA’s Climate Action Strategies, e.g., Green Infrastructure and Nature-Based Solutions
  • Pollution Reduction Strategy – applications must include at least one project aligned with at least one of EPA’s Pollution Reduction Strategies, e.g., Clean Water Infrastructure to Reduce Pollution Exposure and Increase Overall System Resilience
  • Community Engagement and Collaborative Governance Plan – details how applicants will inform, respond to, and engage community members throughout project development and implementation
  • Community Strength Plan – describes how applicants’ proposed projects will enhance the overall strength and economic prosperity of the community
  • Readiness Approach – describes how applicants will successfully complete the grant within the 3 year period of performance

Click on the next section to learn more about the matching requirements for this funding opportunity.

Matching Requirements

No cost-sharing or matching is required.

For Michigan applicants, the State of Michigan through the Make it in Michigan Competitiveness Fund will provide 5% match funding of the total awarded amount for eligible Community Change Grant applications awarded by the EPA to fund projects benefiting disadvantaged communities in Michigan. To be eligible for this match funding, applications for the Community Change Grant must be fully submitted to the EPA prior to August 1, 2024.

Click on the next section to learn more about the eligible costs for this funding opportunity.

Eligible Costs

Eligible Costs include:

  • Tree planting
  • Multi-benefit stormwater projects
  • Targeted water infrastructure upgrades, e.g., private-side lead lines replacement
  • New parks or enhancing/expanding existing parks to provide climate resilience benefits like heat island reduction and flood mitigation
  • “Complete Streets” projects to improve walkability, bike-ability, and transit use
  • Measurement, analysis, design, planning, and engineering work necessary to submit a competitive application for state and/or federal funding for large-scale improvements to significantly reduce Greenhouse Gas emissions and/or improve climate resilience
  • Community resilience hubs that remain open during an emergency
  • Workforce development programs that will help reduce Greenhouse gas emissions and other air pollutants to benefit disadvantaged communities

Ineligible Costs include:

  • Projects for community or Tribal relocation activities. Relocation activities generally include activities intended to plan or assist the moving of an individual from their residence or a business from its place of business.

For more information on eligible project activities, please refer to Appendix C and D of the Notice of Funding Opportunity.

Click on the next section to learn more about this funding opportunity’s project timeline.

Project Timeline

All projects funded by Community Change Grants must be completed within 3 years. There can be no extensions.

EPA anticipates that the first awards will be made in the late Spring of 2024 and will continue to be made on a rolling basis until funding is exhausted.

Click on the next section for this funding opportunity’s application deadline and forms.


Application Deadline

Applications are being accepted by EPA on a rolling basis through November 21, 2024.

Applications will be reviewed and evaluated on a rolling basis as described in Section V of the Notice of Funding Opportunity to facilitate and expedite the review and award process. EPA cannot guarantee that funding will be available through the end of the NOFO 12-month application period as funding availability is dependent on the volume and quality of applications received, as well as other applicable programmatic and funding considerations.

Applicants must apply electronically through Grants.gov. If your organization has no access to the internet or access is very limited, you may request an exception from applying through Grants.gov.

Organizations applying to this funding opportunity must have an active SAM.gov registration. If you do not have a SAM.gov account, then you will need to create an account using login.gov to complete your registration. Finalizing these registrations could take a month or more so please register as soon as possible to prevent a delayed registration from affecting your ability to submit an application.

Click on the next section to access the Contact Information for this funding opportunity.

Contact Information

For general information or questions about this NOFO, email the program administrators.

To request TA for preparing a Community Change Grant application, please fill out the request form or call (800) 540-8123 if you have any questions or need help in filling out the form.  If you need language assistance, please send an email here.

For Michigan applicants, to request help connecting with potential project partners or technical assistance providers in Michigan, email:

Office of Climate and Energy

Office of the Environmental Justice Public Advocate


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