
Michigan Coastal Management ProgramGrant

Max. Grant Award: $100,000 for planning projects; $150,000 for feasibility, engineering, and design projects; $200,000 for construction projects; $500,000 for land conservation through acquisition projects

Project Type: Planning; Construction

The Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy’s (EGLE), Water Resources Division (WRD) Michigan Coastal Management Program (MCMP) offers grant funds to assist in the development of vibrant and resilient coastal communities through the protection and restoration of our sensitive coastal resources and biologically diverse ecosystems.  This grant funding supports the efforts of coastal communities, non-profit organizations, universities, and Tribal governments to protect, preserve, restore, enhance, and wisely develop our coastal resources along the longest freshwater coastline in the nation.

These grant funds are made possible through the partnership with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), pursuant to the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972.

Click through the sections below to learn more about this funding opportunity.

Grant Priorities

MCMP grant priorities include the development of vibrant and resilient coastal communities through the protection and restoration of Michigan’s sensitive coastal resources and biologically diverse ecosystems.

Grant Focus Areas:

  • Coastal Water Dependent Uses and Community Development – plan and manage future growth and development on lands adjacent to the coast, while protecting coastal natural resources, maritime heritage resources, water-dependent livelihoods, outdoor recreation, and other assets and activities that contribute to the community’s sense of place
  • Coastal Waters – protect and manage coastal waters, including planning and installing nature-based solutions like vegetated buffers, raingardens, and living shorelines to manage and slow the flow of stormwater and coastal flooding
  • Coastal Hazards – increase coastal communities’ understanding of the risks associated with living on the coast from coastal erosion, flooding, stormwater, and urban heat to build upon the ability to absorb, respond, and adapt to impacts from coastal storms and Great Lakes water level variabilities
  • Coastal Habitat – protect, preserve, and restore healthy coastal wetlands, beaches, and dunes
  • Public Access – protect, restore, create, and enhance public access to the Great Lakes using approaches that support coastal communities; foster appreciation of our natural, cultural, and historic resources; and create coastal tourism opportunities

Click on the next section to learn more about this funding opportunity’s eligibility requirements.

Eligibility Requirements

Site-specific, low-cost construction projects, and land acquisitions must be located entirely within the approved MCMP coastal boundary.  Coastal zone boundary maps are available through the MCMP’s website.

Please contact the grant administrators using the links in the “Contact Information” section below for the most up-to-date information on eligibility requirements.

Click on the next section to learn more about the matching requirements for this funding opportunity.


Matching Requirements

All applicants must demonstrate the ability to provide a 1-to-1, non-federal match and provide documentation of committed funds and the source of such funds.  Match may be in the form of cash, in-kind services, or donations.

Click on the next section to learn more about the eligible costs for this funding opportunity.



Eligible Costs

Eligible costs include:

  • Planning – includes a variety of proposed actions that meet the needs of coastal communities and typically result in the development of a Master Plan, conservation, or recreational plan, or plans that expand upon coastal values and characteristics.
  • Feasibility, Engineering, and Design – includes site specific investigations such as feasibility studies, creation of conceptual designs, and/or final engineering plans that lead to a low-cost construction, habitat restoration, or other on-the-ground implementation work.
  • Low-Cost Construction – includes projects that physically alter publicly owned property for site specific enhanced public access, habitat restoration, installation of bioengineering and green infrastructure practices, and installation of signage.
  • Land Conservation Through Acquisition – includes projects that propose land acquisition, purchase of easements, and purchase of development rights. Note: Only units of government or public entities are eligible for this funding and all purchases must demonstrate significant ecological value, need for protection, and must be managed in perpetuity.

Click on the next section to learn more about this funding opportunity’s project timeline.

Project Timeline

The period of performance for MCMP grants are 12-15 months.

Grant Funding Opportunities are released in October of each year. Grant awards announcement are typically released the following Summer with awards beginning October 1.

Click on the next section for this funding opportunity’s application deadline and forms.



Application Deadline

The Grant Funding Opportunity (GFO) is released annually in the fall with applications due mid-December.

If you are interested in funding through the MCMP, complete and submit its Project Interest Form and one of the MCMP Focus Area Coordinators will follow up with you.

Please contact grant administrators for the most up-to-date information related to application deadlines and forms.

Click on the next section to access the Contact Information for this funding opportunity.

Contact Information

For questions or inquiries, please contact:

Ronda Wuycheck, Program Manager
Phone: (517) 420-5921

Adam Arend, Community Development Coordinator
Phone: (517) 231-2793

Emily Kirkpatrick, Coastal Hazards Coordinator
Phone: (517) 290-5476

Dave Schuberg, Coastal Habitat Coordinator
Phone: (517) 331-1792

Melissa Letosky, Coastal Waters Coordinator
Phone: (517) 416-7001


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