
2017 Annual Report: CWSRF Programs

2017 Annual Report: CWSRF Programs

2017 marks the 30th anniversary of a successful Clean Water State Revolving Fund program. Read about the history of the transition from grants to CWSRF, an environmental infrastructure bank, offering below market interest rates and "additional subsidization", to accomplish a cummulative assistance of $126B thus far. After recieivng federal funding, this allowed programs to receive additional state funding three times that of the allotted federal grant, and allowing each state to focus on their area of need. Over time, CWSRF has expanded eligibility, benefited smaller communities, focused on disadvantaged communities, and brought about the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund which was established based off of CWSRF success. The Clean Water Act requires annual financial overviews of the 51 CWSRF programs under GAAP reporting. Overall, leveraged bond and net assets increased, and $7.4B in funding for this year alone. Exceptional projects are recognized in the PISCES program which can be overviewed. Finally, see state agencies that are recipients of funding.


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