2018 Annual Report: CWSRF Programs
Read the 2018 report of CWSRF programs for an overview for the projects receiving state revolving fund assistance, and additional information such as the EPA's expanded eligibility from publicly owned treatment works to nonpoint source pollution. Learn from Vermont's strategy to utilize nonprofits to carry out SRF projects and improve ties with their program and the nonprofit community. NEP, National Estuary Programs, aiming to protect the water quality of 28 estuaries nationwide, implement long term plans (CCMP) and are also eligible for CWSRF financing. CWSRF funding may also be implementable through Watershed Financing partnerships on a project by project basis. The EPA CWSRF also encourages the use of asset management plans (AMP) as they improve the tracking of inventory, repair costs, and overall resource demands alongside emerging regulations. Recipients of funding are to use American Iron and Steel; AIS in turn has conducted over 300 training and outreach sessions. The WIFIA program has grown, saving borrowers and creating jobs for projects nationwide; the Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act program is to be considered. The SRF database has been modernized and consolidated, and a new system will be in place in 2020. On another note, national aggregate financial audits reveal a $6.8B funding this year towards water quality and water infrastructure projects. See if your state/project may be a similar fit with these 15 exceptional projects. From Dodge City, Kansas, to the Texas Water Development Board, the report highlights the use of funds and their end accomplishments.
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