New Mexico CWSRF Priority Criteria
It is the intent of the Projects Priority Ranking System for the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) to evaluate and rank projects that will mitigate point source discharges, such as discharges from wastewater treatment facilities (WWTF), and non-point source impacts to both surface and groundwater. In addition to evaluating project merits that will improve and protect water quality, the system will also evaluate each applicant’s level of financial need, local commitment to promoting sustainable utilities, and readiness to proceed with design and construction. Water quality improvement is comprised of the groundwater quality improvement factor and surface water quality improvement factor, as is the permit compliance category of the priority ranking system. The financial ranking is based on per capita income of the service area, rate structure, population served, and user fees. Sustainability is ranked based on the utility management plan, communal promotion of sustainable utilities, and longevity of the project. This is followed by a readiness to proceed rating and Green Project Reserve assessment.
A WaterNow Alliance Initiative
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