
Sewer Overflow & Stormwater Reuse Municipal Grants ProgramGrant

Project Drivers:
Additional Goals:

Max. Grant Amount: No maximum

Project Type: Planning; Construction

As amended in 2018, the Sewer Overflow and Stormwater Reuse Municipal Grants (OSG) Program is intended to address infrastructure needs for combined sewer overflows (CSO), sanitary sewer overflows (SSO), and stormwater management.

Congress awards grants to states, and states make sub-awards to eligible entities and projects. States are required to provide a 20% match to the federal grant award. In Wisconsin, the DNR plans to meet the cost-share requirement by selecting projects also funded by the Urban Nonpoint Source and Storm Water Management (UNPS & SW) Construction Grant Program.

In Wisconsin, the Department of Natural Resources administers the state’s OSG program. Potential applicants are encouraged to reach out to DNR staff for support navigating the application process.

Click through the sections below to learn more about this funding opportunity.

Grant Priorities

In Wisconsin, the OSG program is still under development. Please contact the program managers listed below for the most up-to-date information.

OSG program priorities include:

  • Investment in projects in rural and/or financially distressed communities. At least 25% of the program funds must be awarded to rural and/or financially distressed communities. For purposes of the OSG program in Wisconsin, rural communities are those with less than 10,000 residents and financially distressed communities are those that have small populations, low household income, high poverty rates, expected population loss, and high unemployment.
  • Investments in green infrastructure projects. At least 20% of the funds must be awarded to green infrastructure. Eligible GSI projects include:
          • rainwater harvesting collection
          • storage, management, and distribution system
          • infiltration basins
          • constructed wetlands
          • bioretention/bioswales
          • shoreline creation, protection, and restoration

Click on the next section to learn more about this funding opportunity’s eligibility requirements.

Eligibility Requirements

As the OSG program is still being developed, please contact the grant administrators listed in the “Contact Information” section below to confirm whether the inclusion of the project in the CIP or local plans are required for the OSG program.

Click on the next section to learn more about the matching requirements for this funding opportunity.



Matching Requirements

Projects funded by OSG grants may be required to provide a 45-50% match from non-federal funds. Potential sources of matching funds include:

  • State grants
  • Private contributions for businesses or non-profits
  • In-kind services
  • CWSRF loan dollars that qualify as “non-federal.”

In Wisconsin, matching requirements can likely be met with a grant from the Urban Nonpoint Source & Storm Water Management Grant because those grants are funded with State bond revenue. By pooling these grants, a recipient could potentially receive 100% of project funding through grants.

Further, OSG grant recipients that qualify as rural or disadvantaged communities may not be required to provide cost-share. Those matching funds must be from another source. And the percent cost-share, i.e., match, should be reduced when awarded to rural or disadvantaged communities.

Given that the Wisconsin program is still being developed, details about the match percentage and sources should be discussed with DNR staff using the “Contact Information” section below.

Click on the next section to learn more about this funding opportunity’s eligible costs.

Eligible Costs

The OSG program provides up to 55% of eligible project costs. Eligible costs include:

  • Planning and design
  • Construction

Ineligible costs include:

  • Operations and maintenance
  • Staff salaries
  • Usual operating expenses

Click on the next section to learn more about this funding opportunity’s project timeline.

Project Timeline

Projects funded with OSG grants must be completed within four years of the grant award.

Click on the next section to learn more about this funding opportunity’s application deadline and forms.



Application Deadline & Forms

In Wisconsin, DNR aligned the OSG program deadlines with the Urban Nonpoint Source & Storm Water Management Grant. Accordingly, OSG grant applications are due by April 15 of the calendar year prior to the awarded grant start year and are only accepted in odd years. For example, for a grant award in 2026, the application deadline would be April 15, 2025.

In Wisconsin, the application form for the OSG program is available on DNR’s website here*. The OSG application process is the same as the Urban Nonpoint Source & Storm Water Management Grant program. In other words, these programs have the same application.

*One method to resolve PDF problems such as the [Please wait…] error is to use IE mode in Microsoft Edge Chromium. Another option is to save a copy of the file to your device for offline use, then open the file with Adobe Reader. For more PDF troubleshooting tips, please click here

Click on the next section for the contact information for this funding opportunity.

Contact Information

Wisconsin Statewide Contact:
Corinne Johnson, Grant Program Manager
Phone: (608) 720-0120

Wisconsin Statewide Contact:
Joanna Griffin, Runoff Management Grants Program Coordinator
Phone: (608) 400-9519

Wisconsin Regional Contact:
Jessiah Bennett, Water Resources Management Specialist
Phone: (414) 458-0448


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