
Step 4 - Technical Assistance for Loan Application

Fill out the form below to access WaterNow’s pro-bono technical assistance support services. 

Technical Assistance to Support Your Loan Application

WaterNow Alliance provides pro-bono assistance to communities seeking Colorado State Revolving Fund loans, including the Drinking Water Revolving Fund and Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund for environmentally-sustainable, distributed water infrastructure projects. Please fill out this form if you would like to learn more and speak with WaterNow Alliance staff about your project.

Which State Revolving Fund programs are you interested in applying for?
0 of 500 max characters
Which of WaterNow’s focus areas does your project align with?
What stage of the pre-application process are you in?
How did you learn about WaterNow’s CO SRF Technical Assistance services?

*WaterNow Alliance is an independent non-profit organization supporting communities in applying for these loans. WaterNow is not affiliated with the agencies that administer the State Revolving Fund Loans, Colorado Water Resources and Power Development Authority or Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.*

Go to Step 5: Resources and Tools

Additional WaterNow resources and tools to support your SRF application


Tap into Resilience

A WaterNow Alliance Initiative

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