EPA fact sheet explaining how Drinking Water SRF loans can finance source water protection projects.
EPA fact sheet explaining how the CWSRF can be used to finance nature-based source water protection projects.
Report featuring Flagstaff's watershed protection program and how it is funded by the CWSRF.
Applicants can apply for the Colorado Drinking Water Revolving Fund or the Colorado Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund. Explore the…
Navigating the Colorado SRF application process can be complex, but we’re here to help. Explore the drop downs below to…
Guide clarifying key tenets of the Clean Water State Revolving Fund and providing guidance on how to access the funds for green, climate-resilient projects.
WaterNow’s June 24, 2021, Leveraging State Revolving Funds for Innovative Water Infrastructure Investments webinar.
Download the slides from WaterNow’s June 24, 2021, Tap into Resilience webinar.
The South Carolina Department of Health is the designated state agency to administer the capitalization grant.
This package includes the application forms, instructions and other information relative to supporting documentation required to be submitted as part of the application.
The clean Water State Revolving Fund of 2021 Form gives contact information and deadlines to follow, by the Department of Environmental Protection.
Types of projects eligible for CWSRF funding include projects that maintain compliance with wastewater rules and regulations, and improve water quality.
Georgia’s CWSRF guidance for project requirements is laid out as follows: Planning document requirements, environmental review and planning documentation...
It is the intent of the Projects Priority Ranking System for the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) to evaluate and rank projects
Hawaii’s infographic emphasizes the state’s commitment to sustainability by focusing on eligible projects.
Applicants to the Alabama CWSRF will require Form 340, the following 2019 pre-application.
Analyze Montana WPCSRF 2020 financial assistance programs for water projects
This 2011 WPCSRF project priority list survey and brief description for proposed stormwater projects.
For Alaskan CWSRF projects to qualify as green, technical and financial aspects are assessed.
A checklist for loan applicants includes construction related files, drinking water specific information, and clean water specific information.
The New York Environmental Facilities Corporation rates projects based on the following 6 factors
Overview of CWSRF eligibilities from May 2016 offers a comprehensive look at eligibility guidelines and examples in each category
This California Clean Water State Revolving Fund infographic delineates a construction application process from planning phase
This Policy was written to implement the federal Clean Water Act’s (CWA) Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) Program in California.
Explanations on CWSRF infrastructure banks, and project eligibility are addressed in the EPA’s CWSRF 2015 presentation.
Eligible entities have been able to upgrade and repair wastewater treatment plants, correct combined and sanitary sewer overflows...
This Report to Congress presents the results of the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) review of the current CWSRF allotment
2015 on, the EPA will distribute SRFs Up in August each year to state partners and other stakeholders, including Facebook and twitter.
EPA’s CWSRF program is the nation’s largest federally supported water infrastructure program, providing over $118 billion in assistance since 1988.
Find 2018 PISCES Exceptional Projects, and headquarter updates included.
This issue highlights several of these state activities and celebrates the success of these CWSRF marketing efforts.
This year (2015) the CWSRF provided $5.8 billion to eligible projects and will continue to grow, while prioritizing those with the biggest public health impact.
Review of New York CWSRF in respect to an increased focus on energy efficiency, smart growth, and asset management whilst maintaining water quality.
Suggestions for incorporating sustainable practices across California CWSRF applicants
A memorandum on the additional subsidization of Green Project Reserve provisions and the requirements for GPR in SRF programs.
Introducing the Clean Water State Revolving Fund, the nation’s solution for low-cost infrastructure financing since 1987!
To receive funding, contact your state DWSRF or CWSRF representative, to hear your states’ annual Intended Use Plan (IUP).
Overview state policies and practices, forwarding the goal of sustainably developed communities.
To prevent communities from shying away from green infrastructure solutions due to hurdles such as unfamiliarity, the EPA offers this easy to read guideline for financing.
The EPA shares five case studies on CWSRF implementations for a taste of the environmental benefits of GI projects.
CWSRF growth has led to increases in commitment and dispersion rates, cost savings, and health for communities.
Read about the history of the transition from grants to CWSRF, an environmental infrastructure bank, offering below market interest rates and "additional subsidization".
2018 report of CWSRF programs for an overview for the projects receiving state revolving fund assistance, and additional information such as the EPA's expanded eligibility from publicly owned treatment works…
Presentation on how CWSRF loans can be used for source watershed protection projects.
Fill out the form below to access WaterNow’s pro-bono technical assistance support services.
WaterNow Alliance provides pro-bono assistance to communities seeking Colorado State Revolving Fund loans, including the Drinking Water Revolving Fund and…
Download the slides from WaterNow’s August 24, 2023 webinar on EPA's sewer overflow grant program.
Download the slides from WaterNow's June 15, 2022 briefing on the the BIL and Justice40 implementation.
Watch WaterNow's June 15, 2022 webinar on EPA's implementation of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and the Justice40 initiative.
GAO report reviewing private for-profit drinking water utilities and rates to understand how data about these utilities can be better gathered and maintained.
Download the slides from WaterNow’s February 10, 2022, Tap into Resilience webinar on Colorado SRF and CWCB financing options.
Southwest Environmental Finance Center's repository of information for all 51 state revolving funds.
See the following excerpt from EPA’s GPR guidance to learn more about how to present a business case for a potential SRF project.
A tool for applicants, and to aid OWRB staff in tracking the implementation of the GPR throughout Oklahoma.
The Georgia Environmental Finance Authority (GEFA) works to develop innovative programs to maintain Georgia’s energy, land, and water resources.
The Environmental Facilities Corporation requires ISC grant applicants to provide sufficient information to demonstrate GI components.
The report examines the O&M practices of 22 GI projects funded by the ARRA CWSRF, highlighting the opportunities and challenges associated with GI O&M.
Informational purposes with funding made available by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
change to the CWSRF SPR Guidance in 2017, to inform you of a change to the 2012 document that states will no longer be required to establish a “business case”…
This document provides a Statement of Policy to EPA Regions, States and the general public on how EPA intends to exercise its discretion regarding sustainability.
Maryland has made efforts to revise its project priority system (how it ranks and then prioritizes projects eligible for CWSRF).
A report to Congress, on the utilization of additional subsidization to ARRA SRF programs year 2010.
Green infrastructure, Energy efficiency, Water efficiency, and Environmentally Innovative GPR infographic.
This report comes from the GPR establishing a minimum 20% of ARRA capitalization funding going to the four categories under GPR discussed.
Federal goals for green infrastructure, energy efficiency improvements, water efficiency improvements, and environmentally innovative activities are outlined.
Why should we use water efficiently? How can CWSRF programs help systems use water more efficiently... and how do I get funded?
The EPA recommends incentivizing GI projects through additional subsidization, interest rate reductions, and other methods.
Summary overview of Clean Water State Revolving Fund and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund programs
EPA primer on how State Revolving Fund dollars can be used to fund water efficiency programs
California's Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Intended Use Plan establishing how state funding for drinking water projects will be spent
A WaterNow Alliance Initiative
Whether you have a project that needs support or are just dipping your toe in, our team of experts is here to help.